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Piezo Scanners And Ultrasound: 3 Ways They Work Together To Benefit You

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If you've ever had an ultrasound performed, you've seen a piezo scanner in action. You might not have known it at the time, but the Doppler that was used to give the doctor such a clear look inside of you relies on piezo electricity to transmit the sound – or echolocation – that's needed to provide the clear picture. When most people hear the word ultrasound, they usually think of the pictures that pregnant women receive of their developing fetus. While that is one of the most common uses for ultrasound, there are actually many other medical uses for ultrasound technology.

Monitoring Pregnancies

When it comes to pregnancy, ultrasound isn't just used for providing photo opportunities for parents-to-be. In fact, ultrasound studies are an important tool used for monitoring the development and overall health of the fetus. With ultrasound technology, doctors can determine the age and size of the fetus, as well as the position. The doctor can also identify potential health problems such as heart and kidney defects and brain abnormalities. Without this technology, doctors would have to wait until the fetus was delivered to identify potentially life-threatening complications.

Providing Thorough Cardiac Care

If your doctor suspects that you have heart problems, ultrasound can be used to provide a clear picture of how your heart is functioning. During a cardiac ultrasound, doctors can look inside the chambers of your heart, to identify potential problems and abnormalities. They can also monitor the size of your heart and overall condition of your heart. Another important benefit of cardiac ultrasound is that doctors are able to monitor the blood flow through all of the vessels leading into and out of your heart. This is important when identifying problems associated with arterial problems associated with your heart. Ultrasound technology allows doctors to view the functioning of your heart without invasive surgery. It's also important to note that ultrasound technology can also be used to provide a clear picture for doctors when performing endoscopic surgeries.

Monitoring Kidney and Prostate Function

If you're having trouble with your kidneys, or prostate, your doctor can use ultrasound technology to identify potential problems. This is particularly beneficial when it comes to diagnosing kidney stones or prostate problems. In addition, doctors can also monitor the flow of blood through your kidneys, which can help doctors provide a more thorough diagnosis of kidney problems.

The next time you have an ultrasound, take a look at the Doppler. There's a very small scanner inside that's providing your doctor with the ability to see right into your body.
